Bure as a responsible owner and investor

Analysis of sustainability risks and opportunities are integrated into our investment process. 

Our analysis starts with how companies relate to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, Bure's responsible investment policy, and Bure's exclusion criteria. Potential sustainability risks are also evaluated based on a company's industry, supply chain, geographical presence, and ownership structure.

Actions based on our internal framework 

Our internal framework is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and Agenda 2030. Together with our Code of Conduct, Responsible Ownership and Investment Policy, Environmental Policy, GDPR policy and Whistleblower Policy, it defines how Bure should act as a responsible company, investor, and employer.

The framework's purpose is to support Bure's board representatives in driving the sustainability agenda forward in our portfolio companies and to determine requirements and expectations for developing work on sustainability. 

Driving portfolio companies' sustainability work

Through our corporate governance and as board representatives, we influence our portfolio companies' work on sustainability;

  • As board representatives, we actively pursue sustainability issues based on the ownership agenda and the sustainability goals we set for each company .
  • The portfolio companies receive our handbook, which includes Bure's requirements and expectations for developing work on sustainability and a practical guide.
  • Every year, our board representatives report the results of work on sustainability in each company to the Bure board. In 2023, all of Bure's companies moved in a positive direction.

For more information, please contact 
Max Jonson, Bure CFO 
Tel. +46 (0)8 614 00 29